15 Things Atheists are Saying about Pope Francis
January 3, 2014 by mattfradd
Pope Paul VI, in his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi, wrote, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”
Well people are certainly listening to Pope Francis and I don’t think anyone would disagree that it’s due to his incredible witness. (When Pope Francis embraced that man covered with tumors, the world changed!)
I’ve spent the past hour hunting down comments from atheists posted on secular news sites. Here are fifteen, though if I kept looking I’m confident I could have found 1000.
I’m an athiest and do not believe, but I love this new Pope, Pope’s are put on a pedestal and seem untouchable, this Pope, from the get go, has been a people person. You can almost feel the love radiating from him. So from one human to another, he shows such compassion and humility. Love him. - Sarah, England, UK.2.
I’m an atheist, but i believe he is a great example of how religious folks ought to be - Cort R3.
As an atheist (not speaking for all of them), I’m a huge fan of this pope. I think people need to find their own reason to be good to others. For some, it is god (whichever flavor he/she/it may be). Others find that they want to be good for other reasons. I’m just glad that the big C found a leader willing to try his best to not just preach to his crowd, but try to show them how.On the other hand, some people use god as their excuse to be a d*ck. So I’m not sure if this is an example of the pope acting like a good god, but rather he is a good person and his faith only amplifies the goodness of his own character. - Wesley_Song
Left the church many years ago. Don’t believe in god mainly due to the Catholics and southern baptists is was raised around. This pope embodies the teachings of the church I actually liked. He’s pro something. He takes careof the less fortunate. Wonder what our nation wld be like if all the Catholics and baptists followed his lead and voted for people who cared about the poor?? Go ahead pope. Show the way - Cellstrom.5.
I don’t even believe in God. But, this guy, as a human being, just rocks. - Ironhand436.
He’s setting a new standard for future popes to follow. I’m an agnostic, but this guy has truly awed me with his actions. So unlike other popes in my lifetime (even JP2, who seemed okay to me). - Rob_Cypher7.
I was raised Catholic but am now an atheist, but I’m growing to respect this man more and more. He’s actually following Christ’s teachings… imagine that! - Alex D8.
[In response to Alex D was this comment,] Me too! I am returning to the church because of this fine priest! - tau44449.
A good person is good regardless of religion. I do believe this pope has actually publicly recognized this fact and for that (as an atheist) I applaud him. He seems a very good man. My respect for him grows by the day. - Marc T10.
As an atheist, let me say that I wish more people in general, religious or otherwise, followed this man’s example. The world would be a better place for it. - Thank4Watching11.
As an atheist, I’m impressed, I feel jaded about a lot of religions these days . . .[but] it looks like this pope is making an effort to do some good in the world rather then take advantage of it. - Theoricus
I’m an Atheist, and even I have respect for this guy. If he can get Christians to actually act like christians, maybe I won’t have such an issue with “organized” religion. - John S13.
As an atheist, I’m officially changing my opinion of him from ‘admired’ to ‘loved’. This is precisely the “walking the walk” the world needs, especially from its religious population. - Michael Kirby14.
As an atheist this pope does many great things, I still disagree with the church as a whole but as a person this pope gets it. He is a great role model as a person not a living deity. - Vendictavis15.
I don’t believe in gods and myths, but this man is truly a man of his word and someone everyone could look upon as a role model. I just wish that more holier than thou types could be like this man, if so the world would be a better place.Walks what he talks. - Joe BiggThe Best Argument For and Against Christianity is Christians
Whether we like it or not, I think it’s true. To quote Sheldon Vanauken:“The best argument for Christianity is Christians: their joy, their certainty, their completeness. But the strongest argument against Christianity is also Christians–when they are sombre and joyless, when they are self-righteous and smug in complacent consecration, when they are narrow and repressive, then Christianity dies a thousand deaths.
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