New post on matt fradd |
The Science of Sex Differencesby mattfradd |
is a growing number of people in our nation today who think that sex
(that is, maleness and femaleness) is not an objective biological
reality, but rather a social construct. Accordingly, instead of "sex"
they prefer to use "gender"—a word that, until late last century,
referred exclusively to language (most languages apart from English
assign male, female, and sometimes neuter genders to nouns). Unlike sex,
gender can be manipulated to serve our cultural preferences.
there are a variety of ways to respond to this nonsense (how's that for
tipping my hand), in this post I would like to respond with some of the
findings of modern science.
who reject the objectivity of sex will often say that although male and
female bodies may have some differences between them, our brains are
just the same. One man, who is currently raising three "genderless children," argued, "If you really want to get to know someone, you don’t ask what’s between their legs."
But is the only difference between men and women "what's between their legs"?
Brain Differences
As it turns out, male and female brains are biologically different.
2004 an all-star team of fourteen neuroscientists, from the University
of California, the University of Michigan, and Stanford University,published findings showing that male brains are genetically programmed to be different from women's.
scientists analyzed thirty samples of human brain tissue taken from
different sections of the brain and from different individuals. They
were not told the sex of the individual from whom each specimen was
taken, but simply by genetic analysis of the brain tissue they were
able, by analyzing the expression of two different gene tissue, to
correctly identify the sex of every one.
Neuroscientist Larry Cahill, in an article for Scientific American, went
as far as to say that the structural, chemical, and functional
differences between the brains of males and females raises the
possibility of developing “sex-specific treatments” for conditions such
as depression and schizophrenia.
Toy Preferences
differences between male and female brains affect many aspects of our
behavior, including memory, emotion, vision and hearing, how we handle
stress… and even the toys we like to play with.
(and parents) have often noted boys are more likely to play with balls
and cars whereas girls tend to prefer dolls and easy-bake ovens.
who claim that "gender" is a social construct find this abhorrent.
Earlier this year, Boots, the largest pharmacy chain in the U.K., felt
compelled to take down the signs for "Boys" and "Girls" toys after
shoppers took to Facebook and Twitter to accuse the retailer of "sexist
behavior." Meanwhile, in Sweden they’ve begun pushing “gender-blind” toy catalogs picturing girls shooting toy guns and boys blow-drying hair.
although it may not be politically correct, the science strongly
suggest that the reason boys and girls prefer to play with different
toys has less to do with cultural conditioning than with innate brain
In 2002, Melissa Hines of City University London, and Gerianne M. Alexander of Texas A&M University decided to conduct experiments on
vervet monkeys, one of our closest biological cousins. They found that
the monkeys showed “sex differences in toy preferences similar to those
documented previously in children." The boy monkeys typically preferred
playing with cars and balls, while the female monkeys preferred playing
with dolls and pots. (And they didn’t have parents or toy catalogues
telling them which they should prefer.)
concluded that such “sexually dimorphic preferences” for certain
features in objects are deeply embedded products of evolution,
preferences related to the very nature of being male or
female—preferences that human children also clearly exhibit.
All that differentiates men and women is what’s "between their legs?" Far from it.
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